lundi 19 septembre 2011

it' s true

I cut it out of the more important to me.

<1- MOOCs are open and fluid, each key factors in epistemological digital practices.
2- However, this potential for open registration in terms of space creates challenges for instructors
and students alike in terms of expectations: conventions of role and interactions in a “classroom”
context are deeply ingrained, and when the  shatters the scale of classroom relationships...
3-  However, again, the concept of what it means to take a course is challenged by the lack of extrinsic assessment or “piece of paper.” ( Dave Cormier)
4-  the capacity to support deep enquiry and the creation of sophisticated knowledge
 the breadth versus the depth of participation
 whether and under what conditions successful participation can extend beyond those with ...
5- As a digital phenomenon, a MOOC provides the means for connecting, interacting, and sharing
across diverse cultures, attitudes, and skill sets in short order and with low cost. A MOOC differs
from more established models of online education in its scale and openness, both of which are
challenging to harness according to industrial era economics.
6- MOOC is likely to have a more flexible syllabus than a traditional course, and most MOOCs have
evolved iteratively throughout the weeks that they've been offered. Because the MOOCs offered
to date have had leading-edge topics based in digital learning concepts, and these concepts are
continually evolving, this iterative nature is an important aspect of the course model. Dealing
with a constantly changing environment can put a great deal of strain on a participant, but this
constant shift is one of the hallmarks of digital environments. A traditional course provides many
points of scaffolding that allow for an otherwise safe place for a participant to experiment. In a
MOOC, these scaffolds are stripped away, leaving a participant to deal with more confusion and
uncertainty. Having some introductory understanding of the topic at hand can therefore be critical to the success of a given participant. Informal polling of MOOC participants suggest that
learners get more out courses when they a) enter with basic digital literacies, and b) are learning ...
7- The MOOC environment is self-guided, a necessity in a course that may have thousands of participants. This requires that a participant is willing to engage, and has some confidence and comfort with the discourses of an autodidact and a self-starter. The ability to self-evaluate one’s network and ensure diversity of ideologies is critical when information is fragmented and is at risk
of being sorted by single perspectives/ideologies. Culturally, social competencies and capacity or
experience in extending beyond one's own cultural context are invaluable, more so than in traditional courses. This is in part because connecting with others and putting ideas out for discussion
advantages participants comfortable with these behaviours. It is also because the asynchronous
nature of the course means that learners can participate internationally. The Edfutures course in
spring 2010 included participants from India, Italy, and Latin America, as well as many of the
English-speaking countries from around the world. The mix of contexts was arguably an advantage, in terms of learning about futures scenarios in different countries, but some centralized scaffolding from the instructors in terms of connecting and sharing across difference might have been
helpful, as there were definite geographical pockets formed within the learner population. Discussion with students from within the North American cultural mainstream from which the
course was offered suggested they simply felt ignorant of different contexts and therefore did not
engage. There are times when a distributed model of “share as you will” leaves significant potential connections unexplored, particularly across difference.
Likewise, the literacies involved with being a self-starter are heavily embedded in traditional
concepts of gender and class. Consistently taking open, declarative positions, cross-examining
and critiquing the work of others, and challenging authority and received wisdom are all critical
to full participation in a MOOC, yet are discourses heavily identified with privilege.
..... MOOC is popular across many different cultures that work on very different ideas of respect for power, authority and knowledge.>

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